
Welcome to Flosha’s Corner! Here, the world revolves around Faith, Relationships (Love, Marriage, Parenting) and Life.

Long story short, I became Ruth Singha, but I love to be called Flosha (you’ll figure it out later). I am a surprise-filled, adventure-thrilled soul and full-of-life. Born in a beach city (keep guessing), I enjoy life as it brings happiness in waves.

I am passionate about love, kids and relationships. Artwork is my favorite hobby apart from painting and day-dreaming, and I love making handmade gifts. Married to a Counselor/Pastor, I have developed a way of communicating, socializing with people and making new friends.

Over the years, a desire for writing was brewing inside of me, and here’s the outcome – floshascorner.com. Well, better late than never! Thanks to my husband, Yasha Singha (I used the last three letters of his first name, and tada – Flosha), who encouraged and helped me in setting up and starting this website.

I love writing about my life’s experiences – the little things that I do or come across in life. They might relate to and connect with you as well. 🙂

On a personal level, I am an ardent follower of Jesus Christ, and I constantly learn how to be better in my journey of life on this temporary planet (I believe in Heaven).

Hope you enjoy my writings!

That’s not it, I started a CRAFT STORE under the same branding. You can visit my Instagram page for more information.