Faith in the workplace

Faith in the workplace Challenge


Since most of the Christians today have let their faith in the workplace cool down or become lukewarm, it pains me to see how the values of Christianity are trodden down. If I could sense that in my closed circle, I wonder how many have let go off their faith all around the world. I felt the need and the urge to rekindle the spark and warm it up while the sun is still shining.

Work Ethics vs. Spiritual Ethics

Did your work culture ever challenge your faith? 

I’m sure all of us have gone through challenging and tempting times. The question here is – What did you choose? Work over Faith, or Faith over Work?

If you chose the latter, you must’ve had a bumpy ride on the narrow road, but I appreciate you for choosing the right way. I’d love to hear your story – don’t forget to mention it in the comments below – you never know who would be encouraged and inspired by it.

If you chose the former, I’d like to know the reason.
Was it out of ignorance, or was it by choice?

Here’s the hard truth – A sin is a sin, no matter how small or big. There would be consequences, if not dealt with it the right way. 

I am going to highlight a few faulty practices which have been “normalized” by our society, but puts our integrity at stake.

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1. Office Resources for Personal Use

I realized it relatively late that utilizing office stationery for personal use is not fair. 

An organization supplies us with things we need to work for them, and pay us a salary to buy things we need for ourselves. You see, there’s a difference between what’s for work and what’s for personal use.

Anyhow, if we choose the unfair path, there might not be a significant change in the organization’s revenue, and they probably wouldn’t even notice that their resources were misused. But, it does leave a blemish, thereby making our p-u-re conscience p-oo-r.

Luke 16:10 – If you’re faithful in the least, you can be faithful in bigger things.

Tip: Honesty is the best policy.

2. Work phone for personal calls

Does it ring a bell? Well well well, maybe we just took it for granted. Maybe we were under the notion that the telephone was there for everyone to use, forgetting the difference between official purpose & personal use.

Of course, emergencies are an exception. But there’s a difference between the regular routine and an emergency.

Tip: Using our private phone for personal calls is an ethic we should develop to maintain our integrity.

3. Claiming insurance using erroneous bills

Paying a premium doesn’t mean we have the right to claim it. Yet, sometimes, we give into our selfish desires to get back what we paid by submitting spurious claims.

Here’s how most insurance companies work – They collect small amounts from millions of people, so that they can help the few who would really need a million (a huge sum, I mean) to get medical help. 

Perhaps, changing our perception might help us look beyond selfishness – Our small contribution is going to help a sick person get the medical help they need and we’re being “a blessing in disguise” to a complete stranger. Isn’t that beautiful?  

Titus 2:7 – Be a model of good works. 

Maintain good conduct and hold fast to righteousness.
Don’t fall for monetary temptations. Stock up treasures in heaven, but not on earth.

Tip: Insurance is an investment for a medical emergency. We don’t withdraw an investment for inappropriate reasons, do we?

4. Switching jobs with greed

No, I’m not saying switching jobs is wrong. It absolutely isn’t.

Probably it’s the desperation of getting a job, or the stress of debts piling up, or the frustration of being denied a promotion, or the peer pressure, or discontentment of an ordinary lifestyle that drives us to adopt faulty practices like – 

  • Submitting bogus payslips
  • Hiring a prompter to crack an interview
  • Marking up fake experience 

If you think the world works like that, I’m afraid you’ve got your principles wrong.

John 15:19 – We are in the world, but not of the world. 

Tip: If you cannot change them, move away from them.

Stay in but stand out, move around but don’t blend in.

5. Deception as a job role

Occasionally, it’s our job role that needs deception skills to satisfy or assure clients. 

At other times, it’s promising employment by persuading someone to submit fake documents.

Certain positions require us to commit to unreasonable tasks, and we tend to submit dishonest reports. 

Matthew 6:20 says, Stock up your treasure in heaven.

Tip: Don’t be blinded by the payslip you receive at the end of each month. 

Dishonest money dwindles away. It’s not a blessing.

6. Plagiarism

Our good motives and desires to get a promotion or an incentive or being in the good books of our manager sometimes puts us on the spot. 

With increased expectations from the boss, we would come up with subtle value ads for the company through plagiarism.

Colossians 3:23 says, Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord not for men.

Tip: Don’t try to be a people-pleaser. Your good work will be rewarded in due time.

7. Illegal ways to circumvent tax

In the pursuit of saving up our hard-earned money, we sometimes succumb to practical-yet-unjust ways to avoid paying tax that is rightly due.

With increased work pressure and carrying a huge responsibility on our shoulders (taking care of family, clearing debts & running a home), managing finances can become more stressful. 

While turning to a professional and hiring a personal CA (Chartered Accountant) who can manage it for you is definitely helpful, we have to keep a check on what’s lawful and what’s not.

Submitting illegal documents to evade tax isn’t the right thing to do. There are better life-giving, peace-making solutions –

  • Invest in Mutual Funds. Or, find means to save up for retirement.
  • Submit duly signed documents of a rental agreement or a housing mortgage, if applicable.
  • Submit educational bills, if you have school going kids.
  • Submit medical bills, if applicable.
  • Submit travel tickets, if applicable
  • Donate to an orphanage or a ministry. It’ll not just save you from tax but also sow into the kingdom. 

Talk to a knowledgeable person or a professional about these options if these topics are alien to you.

Here’s why you should pay taxes (if you still have to pay after all the deductions from above) –

As a true citizen, we are bound to obey the law. Meditate on Romans 13.

To leave you with a perfect example, Jesus himself paid tax – Matthew 17.

Romans 12:2Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.


We’re all imperfect. But, as Christians, we are supposed to work out our salvation every single day. Don’t you think it’s time for us to introspect ourselves? 

If we being Christians display incorrect virtues to our peers, what gospel are we sending across? Take every chance to let your actions speak by displaying faith in your workplace.

The purpose of this article is not to leave you at the guilty state, but to see beyond that – that there’s forgiveness and acceptance when we confess and make a decision to follow righteousness.


To all the Christians, Are you ready to take up the “Faith in the Workplace” challenge?
Would you take up this faith challenge with me today, pledging to carry your faith boldly into your work culture?

According to Deuteronomy 30:15, “life and good”, “death and evil” are before you. 

My prayer for each one of us including myself is to make a wise choice – to choose life over death, good over evil. 

If you’ve reached here, thanks for sticking with me. 

If this article had an impact on you, leave an “Amen” in the comments below or reach out to me. I’d love to talk to you and pray with you. God bless you!

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