Motherhood journey

Sneak peek into my Motherhood journey

Hello from Flosha’s Corner.
It’s been a long time since I’ve met you here, but it feels so good to be back. My sincere apologies if you’ve missed me…err… I mean… my posts. 

Ugh! Uh! Huh! Well, I’ve been lost in motherhood – No, that ain’t any excuse for my writing abstinence (if I can call it so, lol). Most of my days now revolve around Motherhood & Artwork, and all these months I had little urge to be socially active – Special thanks to Lockdown.

How does it feel to be withdrawn from the rest of the world? – Good & Bad, Happy & Sad, High & Low, Cheerful & Gloomy. I experienced all of these, but I’ll save talking about these emotions for a later time. 

As part of our Lockdown initiative, we were going well on this fast of “No Eating Outside Food”. Just before we hit the 160th day, we broke the streak on the 159th night. Who knows if this probably triggered my insomnia and thereby my desire to write again. Ha-ha.

Since you can see my Artwork on my Instagram page, and they’ll soon be made available in my shop here too (I’m excited), let me take you through a sneak peek into my Motherhood journey – 

1. Transitioned our little dumpling (not so little anymore) from the Big Bed to her Own Crib

Yay! Finally!
Dear Indian parents, There’s hope! If I (& my husband) could do it, you definitely can! There was a lot of drama that went into the process, but it was worth every effort & every drop of tear (oh yes, I cried big time). 
I’ll save the what, why and how for my next post. Stay tuned! – (Update: You can read it here.)

2. Homeschooling? Montessori?

Call it whatever you want, but we’re making good progress on her learning.

Our new Homeschooling Setup

3. Toddler Activities for Terrible Two’s

Trust me, Not an easy task! Patience is the key (Hurry, Get lots of keys). 
I should say, “We’re improving” and have come a long way.
I’ll soon share a list of activities that worked for us. You can try them too. (EDIT: As promised, here’s my blog on Toddler Engaging Activities

4. Arranging Playdates

Socializing comes naturally for kids but the current world pandemic has deprived them of creating their own beautiful circle. So, our toddler gets to have play dates with her friend from the next block, once in a while. It’s a joy to see them fight for the same toy, share stuff and exchange hugs.

Play dates

5. Potty training

It comes with a discipline pattern in our home. Let me know if you’re interested to know. I’d be happy to share. 

That’s where my world is revolving right now. See you soon! Sooner this time – I promise! 

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